There is one thing that has given me both great comfort and also incredible experiences of fear at seemingly the same    That is the realization that all though it appears to be random... We exist in a reality of patterns and loops... Energy is no exception ... We as energetic beings that are "consciously aware" of the ride we are on... can be programmed in a way that continuously initially rewards the glancing over of the patterns in our life .. to assume they are part of a terrifying unclear unfolding of natural uncontrollable sequences of events....  Distractions abound and we become a character that builds an avatar around NOT experiencing that fear or disconnection ...  The loops and energy created from that facade and that fear will manifest eventually in the world for us to experience ... heal ... and evolve beyond ... This is how we either repeat or transcend our energetic loops of life .. love .. and reality ... Today we start the process of really breaking apart the loops we create and experience .. so that we can choose what parts we want to re experience ... and heal the unwanted parts that seem to keep us stuck in the "universal" ruts we all want to evolve from...   Hang on tight .. We are doing this : ))))))   MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!