Part 4 of the Loop ID is where we make a note of the different Egoic Tabs that apply when we are shining awareness on what part of "US" was damaged.. or doubted in our story.  What parts of us felt unloved, not a part of .. or not capable of something.. Although each of these experiences are stamped on us with what I believe is the experience of Fear in some way shape or form.. They can be categorized and compartmentalized by the mind and if blocked or ignored long enough... It will manifest specifically again in your world.. in your reality and life experience ..  Experiencing jealousy in a relationship..????  Either on your end... or the end of your human partner ...  If the old relationship ended because of the fear energy underneath the surface expression of fear.. If it is not resolved by you specifically by looking into the reasons you are either feeling jealous,, or experiencing someone else who is jealous of or with you ...  The next relationship you attract will have that energy underneath it again...  Even if it's hidden or masked by ego overcompensation for a while... Eventually it will surface in order to be healed and released... This happens in all areas of our life in one way or another... and today we dive into how to make real healing choices in the face of all we have become awakened to... The story of our mind..  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!