Hello!!  In today's Episode ,, We use a listener situation to explain how this awakening process unfolds.. each and every time it is some form of this....  the story is different for each of us... But the core of what created them is the same ... a version of us we blocked from expressing itself.. created a character that felt it had to " ACT " a different way to fit in or be accepted.. or protected.. That character will make choices that align with the image that character has ... or wants to maintain...  Could be relationship choices, could be jobs you don't love.. friends who you wouldn't normally align with....... and then ... seemingly out of control...... It explodes ......   I talk about why ... and how to maintain your high vibe while you navigate through it...  Feel at easy my friends.. it's ALL by design... YOU are right where you are supposed to be .... and this is the beginning of feeling gratitude for the old versions of you that created the unwanted painful or stressful reality you are experiencing ... and your best version is RIGHT AROUND THE CORNER !!    Deep breath..... BE HERE NOW... and check out episode 59 where we dive right in....  Come with me ! Likeattractslike11.com