Today we have author John Rota as a guest on the show! John has been a long time listener of the podcast and has now become a friend as well. 

In this episode we talk in depth about Johns new book "Let Go, Let Golf" where he applies many of the most profound teachings of mindfulness, awareness and potential through the context of something he loves the most in his life... GOLF...

This is a book that is for everyone, and an episode of the podcast that is for everyone.. Whether you have played 100000 holes of golf, or never played at all, the ideas we discuss apply to any and all aspects of life in the pursuit of being more present, and doing more what you enjoy in this life..... 

Join me inside !!!


Follow John on Instagram at @johnrota and @letgo_letgol



💥 1:1 Mentorship Calls:

If you would like to book a session to move forward in the area discussed in this show or any other areas of your life, visit link below for further resources or booking schedule 





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 Much Love





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Website: https://likeattractslikeevolution.com




💥Let’s Talk! (Speaking Engagements)

Do you have a podcast or YouTube channel with an audience that you feel would benefit from a conversation. I enjoy answering questions and sharing guidance on the Self Realization/Awakening Journey. Let’s see if our audiences would benefit from a conversation! Click Below to inquire:
