It's easy to look into your current situations... The unwanted portions of what has been manifested so far and align with.. talk about and justify the obvious truths of the life you are living .. In order for true scripting and manifesting you new reality to work.. you must give ZERO energy to the negative parts of the current reality you are living in ... No matter how much evidence you have of it being your TRUTH.. In order to transcend it you must look beyond it and understand it is just the current form this moment is taking.. based on your PAST SELVES...  To give it energy will recreate it ... 100% ... To talk about, complain about, justify or agree with negative portions of your life.. will give them the energy to recreate something similar in your new NOW... Break the Loop...and the old negative patterns by giving them ZERO ENERGY... No matter how present they are in your life... Give your attention only to what you WANT to create... and those old truths that you suffer through will fall away quickly ...  Much Love Today !!