Most of the time we don't realize as we go about our days that we are bringing unconscious pulses and surges of old energy and emotional "baggage" ( because it's just along for the ride until we release it lol! ) with us.   As we view the world we have a story running in the background..  95% of our operation is behind the scenes and unconscious to us.. We are unaware of what it is saying and how it is taking or using our energy .. But if we sit still long enough and ask the proper questions we can get some real insight as to the programing we have underneath..  Of all of the thoughts we think every day, 95% of them are the same as before.. and they keep us in the same emotional frequency.  Until we find ways to not only shed light on the story but also detach the emotion from the story. .so we can release it.. Today we talk about a couple ways to do just that ! MUCH LOVE TODAY !!