There is surely a process to this... Although it will be unique to each human that finds their way through it .. There are some things that will not be able to be avoided as we transcend the old story and it's limitations.. All of the attachments to specific things that existed already.. and all of the attachments and tethers to things we imagined would "make us happy" that weren't experienced yet..  All of those things and experiences exist in a reality that best represents the average vibrational resonance we are at.  This average resonance is based on how we feel..  How we feel is based upon beliefs that have been either allowed, created or adopted into our subconscious and conscious experience over time... basically a belief is a thought that you keep on thinking ... Doing this in your moments tells the moment and the Universe that you feel it is important .. .Important enough to choose to have it in your very very important MOMENT..   When something happens in the external world that triggers or affects our belief and the thoughts attached to that belief...  It creates an energetic disruption which feels "BAD"... and that is either happening so we can adjust our beliefs accordingly towards what we believe is better for us .. or so we can dive into where that belief came from and heal it or release it ....  All of those things happen during mindfulness practices and making choices that better serve your heart and soul...  All of those practices over time allow new more positive beliefs to take the place of the old limiting ones... To allow love into your heart where you once contain a block or fear of love ... The new script and narrative you are scripting along with your new found alignment and belief systems of love and connection ... will raise that baseline frequency to a higher state of cell operation and consciousness ....  Over time ...  this will cause an energetic gap between the old limiting version of you and that reality that you lived... and also those expectations attached to what that version of you "thought" would make you happy...   This gap will repel certain amounts of those things previously outlined " out of your new high conscious experince"..  Even if we are SOOOO SURE that this was well intentioned it still may not be a part of your new path in this part of the story.... This doesn't mean it doesn't come back... or evolve to what you belief now that you want ... It means you are being asked to show in your moment that you trust and KNOW that you are ok without these things that are seemingly going backwards in your life as you continue to evolve forward,.... When we show that we are ok without certain things we were sure we needed or were going to go a certain way... They now have the best opportunity to fill in your new grid exactly as you've planned ... TRUST ... MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!