Previous Episode: WHAT IS REAL ??? #268
Next Episode: ATTACHMENT : #270

So where does it come from...?  Have you ever stopped to think about.. or allow insight as to where your own story comes from... How do we " KNOW" anything.. Where does that happen and how do we go from a state of .. hearing something ..  understanding it.. and then adopting it as our own...  How many connections in our brain are necessary to create this experience for us the observer...  Most of us will find that the collective group of data and reference human beings use to regulate how the feel personally.. and what they feel is going on in the world is based off of the collective story we were told about who and what we should be .. Parents... School Systems and Media... all a huge energetic factor in the story we are born into... There is one thing that is for sure.. in Western culture.. it is majorly a future time place or thing that will dictate the value of not only your "SELF" but your choices and achievements along the way.. A never ending search for value outside of yourself ... UNTIL... The momentum of those loops ad up to a staggering state of awareness that drives you deep into your own heart and soul...  Searching from that point forward for the answers inside of yourself where they always were...  Realizing that this is no accident and is a part of the process and path to KNOWING who YOU are without relying on anyone externally to tell you who they "think" you are or "should be"  .. From this state you really can align and find gratitude for many if not all of the situations and events that so elegantly led you to this moment .. MUCH LOVE TODAY !!