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ON TODAYS SHOW!!          

Thank you for joining me on todays show!!  As you now we are diving into journaling and scripting heavy this month!  Not just because it is the method that I used to guide myself along this journey through some ( perceived by me ) really tough times and low points in my human life... But because it truly holds the key to allow you to reach new understandings about anything in your life..

I began to realize that the initial "out of control" feelings and beliefs that I had developed over the first part of my journey, could be seen on paper... and with the process that I use.. ( 3 journals.. Uncovering journal, Scripting Journal, Gratitude Journal )... I could make sense of all of my story.. because ALL of it ... belongs in the uncovering journal... ALL of it.... If I have an idea or belief or emotion I want to figure out.. .BOOM... Uncovering journal... plus honesty and willingness to see the shadow parts of us... equals freedom...   If I have a new concept or life I want to create or manifest or achieve... Script it out in its own book... keeping the energy of high vibrational creation and expansion separate from the energy of "uncovering and healing" .. they are different vibrational wavelengths of thought and emotion...   You can also now use these two books to FEEL the gaps emotionally between what you want to experience.. and the "voice" that says you can't and why you can't ...  

Finally.. The gratitude journal will help you glue this all together... after you begin to heal from the suffering versions of you.. You will be thankful.  After you begin to ask for new things and see them, You will be thankful.  Take your separate gratitude journal out and write out all you are thankful for each day... You will raise your baseline vibrational place in your world and that will be shown back to you as a mirror...  

Today we dive into this heavy.. and by the end of this episode you will potentially be in a much more powerfully aligned place..  IF... You allow yourself to do so..  SEE YOU INSIDE THE EPISODE!


If you found any value in todays post please feel free to Share, Subscribe or Follow :) It truly does help the show!!

Much Love 




I release perspective shifting, conscious expanding videos every week to help you navigate your Spiritual Awakening and find more peace, inspiration and clarity in your life!  See you there!


Pat's Top Consciousness Books & Resources!!  


(this link above is an affiliate link and a portion of anything purchased through the link will help support the show!! Thank You so much!!!   


New Human Agreement- https://youtu.be/jLeVAr6pG-8

Law Of Hypnotic Rhythm - https://youtu.be/ZZdxr7S3aCA

How We Initially Unconsciously Create Our Reality- https://youtu.be/eyjBOkhj9Ho

DMT/NDE - https://youtu.be/GwP9lsU2tvE

Neale Donald Walsch Interview- https://youtu.be/NT9RqZJL9Zk


See What's Going On NOW At Like Attracts Like Evolution!!
