Ok so I got up early for this oneeee... lol!    I want to truly thank the amazing human from yesterdays session for allowing me to use parts of her story in the creation of this episode today... The most interesting question for me was always "How long do I let myself feel this way AFTER I've learned the lesson from the story"... ?    How long do I continue to tell the story inside or outside of my mind after I realize why it existed for me personally on my journey .. When I started to really dive into this question I saw several things... 1)  The answer is subjective and it is personal and specific for each person living the emotion of the story.. no matter how much of an egoic "Illusion" ,... it is still very real to each of us as we experience it.. 2)  There seems to be a point where well after I realized why something happened... and realized that I even knew how to feel better from it ... That I would find myself sometimes alone.. and sometimes in specific company telling the story again... ?? and I thought..  why am I doing this... I know better now??  and the voice would kick in with it's arsenal of reasons to overwhelm my awareness.... and there would be a point where I would continue to listen... then feel bad again... then hold other people accountable again... and feeeeel that old story again right NOW... and as we know.. recreate it..  Yesterdays session we went from a VERY LOW angry place of attachment to the story.. to absolute freedom... and I was so inspired by this that I set an alarm .. lol  and jumped right into the studio to record the takeaways ...  Join me today for one of the more difficult questions a human on the path to enlightenment may ask..   MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!  Likeattractslike11.com