There is one thing that I have really always looked to as the single main catapult to any higher consciousness that I exist at these days..  and that one thing was that no matter what the voice in your head is saying to you... "good" or "bad"   It is NOT you...  That you will always be and will never not be the observer of that ever changing voice, narrative and story..  Inside of that ever changing story exists different experiences that the voice repeats to you every second... like a play by play...  You are the listener .. the observer of the story you are hearing ... You are NOT the story ... So ...  When I was able to make the biggest changes was when I finally allowed myself to view my lower consciousness story and attachments... from a higher consciousness space ...  It seemed that at that frequency in those moods... My story changed... or lost some UMPPHHH ...    New ideas would enter my awareness ... and I would be able to connect with them emotionally and FEEL them as being possible for some reason....  Because the vibration of consciousness that I was at ... aligned with those positive thoughts... If I observed those same "positive" thoughts from a lower state ...  It wouldn't be in alignment .. and it would repel... or FEEL BAD ... This is our inner GPS ...  We just need to be able to be honest about what the story is saying ... and be awake enough to understand all of the tricks it uses through emotional triggers trying to get you to become the story itself...  Because evolution is death to the old story ...   ALIGN with your higher self first through meditation and mindfulness ... and then address your story from that place ...  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!