I have always been relatively active .. but I noticed that during my lowest points in this journey , and when left to my own devices I would always choose the worst food options regardless of what was available.. I lived off of gas station food for a good portion of my life! lol. I would then enter the " I'll change this about my life and then my life will get better!" Phase...   This is when you try and make a change that you don't align with in the outside world... to try and create alignment in your "inside" world..  When I would employ this strategy there would be brief lengths of time where I would feel better.. have more energy and even access to better moods and higher thought alignment .. But since I never dealt or healed the negative energy inside I was more susceptible to believing the negative voice in my head was "ME"... and then I would believe the negative things the narrative would say and I would fall off ... Stop the things I was doing and resume my "normal" unhappy state...  This is ALL the EGO wants....  For you to stay the same ... to stay predictable and "safe"...   But that is a lie...      The MIND and The BODY work in unison to create the conscious experience we have access to..  Making small changes everyday towards eating more healthily and observing the negative thought stream without believing what it said was the most valuable realization for me during the journey of choosing the best foods for my body and my life.  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!! Likeattractslike11.com