There is a funny thing that happened to me as I began to learn how I interacted with my mind unconsciously at first.. Becoming more and more aware of what our minds say .. and realizing that we are NOT the thoughts it whispers or shouts to us on repeat alllll day long...  We are the observer of these things,..   I realized that I was taking orders from a damaged and lonely mind... that the world wasn't fully damaged and lonely ... I was... I had reasons of course as we all do... But how valid were they... were they valid enough to perpetually keep me in this state for the rest of my life??  Is that why I am here.. ?  To suffer and to then live in that state of suffering even when nothing in this particular moment I'm in calls for me to be suffering through it... ??  That can't be it ...  Why do we say these things... why do I listen ??     The answer to my question was that I was listening unconsciously because I didn't fully believe that I could interject ... I didn't believe that I didn't have to feel this way.. Because to let go of the feeling ... EVEN IF IT WAS A SH** FEELING.... was me letting go of whatever or whoever "put" that feeling there in my experience ...  If I wasn't ready to let go of that person place or thing and move on.... then the pain was actually a comforting reminder of what I HAD... LOST... OR WHAT ALMOST WAS.. in my old story..  I realized that I was telling it to look for sad things,... and damaged people and places in the world so it could justify for me and validate the sad story I needed to be living so that I could hold on to those things I felt I "LOST"...  But we don't loose ... we can only gain... and we can bring the positive energy and essence of all of those amazing things that we experienced in the past ... into NOW... not the specific "forms" they may have taken in past moments... But new forms with new renewed energy.. and a new perspective of how to view new moments completely open... open heart .. and open mind to take in each new experience ... Gratitude is the result of trusting this process... and how powerful you and the Universe are in co creating what it is that you agree you want .. MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!