Love or Fear....   If we could all take a clear moment.. and break down our life and our reality by understanding that we are living in each NOW the cumulative average vibration of every single moment and whether we chose Love or Fear in that Moment...  If we choose Fear for long enough unconsciously.. or give our power away to other humans along our journey asking them to be the reason we allow ourselves to " feel good "..  The universe will respond to the frequency of Fear and it will repel you... or depending on how far the energetic gap is... never come your way at all..   Realizing that we come into this world with only two innate fears... The fear of falling, and the fear of loud noises.  All other fears we either "experience" by a life situation that scares us or feels out of control... or we give our power away and someone abuses it.. and we attach that power to them and feel " Bad"  when they are gone... or when the situation changes...  We can create NEW momentum going forward... by realizing that all of those old examples our mind uses to make us feel bad were ALL meant to happen just the way they did... TO wake you up...  Wake you up to the fact that you've known you were love all along... and that you yourself are the one thing that can bring anything in this world to you.... and you are the only one that can keep it from you..  THANK YOU TO GUEST CALLER  William Calderon for inspiration for this episode !!  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!