This month we are spending time looking at Creating and Keeping High Conscious Relationships in your life . Last weeks episodes were all about the relationship to yourself ... Because it MUST begin there in order to have any value at all over time .. This reality is. Mirror of you ... So one of the most powerful realizations we can understand is that the labeling system we have been given and use to create separation and fear and anxiety ... Is the same one we need to use in order to shift beyond the limitations of the old system itself .. Today we dive into just how to do that .. And just how powerful you are .. 

~Much Love

▶️FREE: Join the APRIL 30th LIVE Creating and Keeping High Conscious Relationships Masterclass

▶️FREE: Journaling and Scripting Mini Master Class !!!

▶️Expand Your Consciousness | Transform Your Life Book A 1:1 Mentorship Session

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