I've always been fascinated with horoscopes and people who were able to so effortlessly know and describe the character traits, and patterns of a human based on the information gathered during the time place and alignment of the starts in the cosmos when they were born into this world..   Initially a skeptic of everything that I now embrace ,....lol  Astrology was no different .. But as I've learned and gown and evolved consciously there is very little doubt in my mind personally that this connection is valid and should be discussed and felt all the way through..  The beautiful thing is that as with everything else...  This is another thing that if you believe... it is very very real for you... and if you don't...  It may be an unconscious part of you still resisting new things that used to be defined as " metaphysical " or esoteric ...   But if you are a believer... I've noticed a pattern with a few listeners in sessions recently where the resistance of overcoming an energetic pattern or loop was being blamed on the fact that they were " such and such"  sign... and that "Just what we do"....  Today we talk about how any labels that we live to can be overcome... even if it is as real as can be for you in your world... and written in the stars at your birth.... We can always transcend and come more fully into NOW and study and grow from any and all patters we find ourselves in ...   MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!!   Likeattractslike11.com

Coyote Star ! We would love for you to come onto the show and talk about consciousness and astrology !!   Likeattractslike11.com