I noticed something along my journey that may have been one of the most important realizations so far..  There were certain things that became more than certain for me...  Things that reference this universe being in perfect timing always... that we are not IN nature... we are OF it ...  Without the mind telling us things are "good" or "bad"... we are just energy flowing and evolving .. suffering and rejoicing in the life we are VERY much a part of..  I would compare this new awareness and understanding to versions of myself as I carried along my path.. Unconscious, angry, hurt, confused me.. at a very low frequency ... who would dismiss anything anyone said about anything cool lining up for them or for me as merely a "Coincidence" ...  Then myself as I became more open and honest with my source ... and my story.. and the Macro expression of life beyond the mind and egos limitations... at this frequency I would experience more examples of " Synchronicity" ..  My confirmation of our place in this spiral of life and creation ... I had transcended the verbiage of " Coincidence" or "Chance"...  Realizing that the system is perfect always... and that beyond the limitations of the mind exists a state of being or alignment so high that it is considered an "enlightened" state of being...   We realize that it is up to us to get in sync with life... And that is an amazing realization to have... MUCH LOVE TODAY !!  Likeattractslike11.com