The one thing that we should all be able to agree on is that there is a YOU that is listening to and to various degrees aware of a conversation inside of your experience..  I'm not saying inside of your "mind" because the conversation we are talking about IS your MIND....  YOU.. are not your mind.. you are the observer of what it says..  As I began to realize the emotional significance of the power I was giving to certain words.. I realized also that the story and those emotions were running on a taped loop inside of my awareness and going unchecked...  My ego and need for approval and attention was charging every word with the "worst" words I could choose to make the most dramatic affect out of any situation I saw fit..  It wasn't until I understood that I could choose to use different words that were more honest, and more appropriately aligned with what was actually happening .. that I was able to soften that story on repeat and in time feel lighter and energetically at a higher resonance !  Join me today as we dive into the upside down of our minds : )).  MUCH LOVE TODAY !!