Join me on the show as we talk with actor, director, producer and good friend Rob Figueroa!  Rob has had a path so similar to many of us ..  Initially trying to live a life based on "shoulds" instead of "loves" .. Trying to do what was collectively agreed on as the proper route ... studying pre med classes but being pulled strongly towards a passion to act and create characters that come alive on screen ..  Robs is a story that can touch every bit of our conscious journeys and inspire us to remember that if we trust this process, follow our hearts calling, and say YES to the moment we are in .. miraculous things can fall into place.  Just when you think things were coming to an end ... Your life can change in absolutely incredible ways.. We just need to keep pushing through and never allow the limiting mind to get the upper hand energetically. This is what is needed to show this Universe we are serious about being our selves in this life.. knowing that's enough and creating authentically from that place .. Then.. Then is when the Universe responds by showing you evidence of your faith as a mirror in your world.  One of my favorite conversations ever, and I am so grateful to Rob for taking the time to come on the podcast !!!  I hope you all have as much fun as we clearly did lol !!!!    MUCH LOVE TODAY !!!

You can find Rob on :::::

IMBD                     Rob Figueroa

Instagram             @robfig2

Facebook              Rob Figueroa 


Hello!!  I help people re connect with their higher conscious self by allowing a deeper understanding and perspective on the mind and the story it tells… Thank you so much for being a part of the show !! If you would like to support the Like Attracts Like podcast join our PATREON Community by clicking here !!

JOURNALING AND SCRIPTING COURSE OPENING NOVEMBER 4th !    ::  To pre register or find out more information simply fill out this contact tab :)) click here

If you believe that you are going through a Conscious or Spiritual Awakening consider subscribing to the Podcast :) I upload episodes and perspective finding interviews just about every day! ~ Pat