Five years ago, I remember walking into a business meeting, well-dressed and prepared. I arrived early to mingle and get acquainted with other attendees. The room was a standard size conference room with a long oval shaped table and comfy desk chairs all around. Upon entering the room, I immediately noticed a sea of conservative white males around the table and thought to myself, “Should I even be here?” This was my first and last meeting.

As a woman, especially a black woman, it felt like I had two strikes against me. The looks, stares, and side-bar commentary made it clear that both businessmen and women took issue with my presence in the room. Do “leader” and “woman” mix well together? Some might say it’s an acquired taste, figuratively speaking. Not for everyone. But the reality is, it’s pretty much in your face and on your plate whether it's your preference or not. Why was this experience so memorable and disconcerting at the same time? It sums up what it's like for women who dare to become leaders.

Listen as I share my perspective to 5 important questions. These are the same five questions that were asked to some of the most influential, women business leaders of today were asked in an article posted by TIMES.