Transform your pain into power! Working hard does not only mean what you do in the office. You also need to make an effort for your overall well-being as well.  In this episode of Like A Real Boss, stroke survivor Marcia Smith talks about the steps toward a successful career that require better mental health and personal well-being. It's important to realize when you are not "okay".   MARCIA SMITH is an Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Author.  Transformational Speaker, Life Coach and Fashion Jewelry Designer.  She is the CEO & FOUNDER of Helping Hurting Heart heal International & Healing Hearts Signature Statements Customized Accessories.   Smith is an emotional pain wellness specialist committed to helping individuals transform emotional pain into POWER, strategically by identifying, discussing, addressing, and assessing CORE PAIN POINTS such as personal/professional emotional pain barriers and brokenness in efforts to provide CORE SOLUTIONS.   Smith has )20) plus years of Ministry, Corporate, and Community experience.  She is the wife of Derrick W. Smith Sr. (25 years) and the mother of eight children.

Transform your pain into power! Working hard does not only mean what you do in the office. You also need to make an effort for your overall well-being as well.  In this episode of Like A Real Boss, stroke survivor Marcia Smith talks about the steps toward a successful career that require better mental health and personal well-being. It's important to realize when you are not "okay".   MARCIA SMITH is an Evangelist, Entrepreneur, Author.  Transformational Speaker, Life Coach and Fashion Jewelry Designer.  She is the CEO & FOUNDER of Helping Hurting Heart heal International & Healing Hearts Signature Statements Customized Accessories.   Smith is an emotional pain wellness specialist committed to helping individuals transform emotional pain into POWER, strategically by identifying, discussing, addressing, and assessing CORE PAIN POINTS such as personal/professional emotional pain barriers and brokenness in efforts to provide CORE SOLUTIONS.   Smith has )20) plus years of Ministry, Corporate, and Community experience.  She is the wife of Derrick W. Smith Sr. (25 years) and the mother of eight children.