We uploaded this again because the first version had some audio issues, our apologies.

Transcript: sicksub.network/LNJ034_Transcript

This is the 34th episode of the Lightning Junkies podcast. In this episode we have Rene Pickhardt! Rene is working on a PHD in pathfinding. Rene is prolific in the Lightning Network ecosystem, he can be found on StackExchange, Youtube, and at university teaching people about the Lightning Network. Rene is currently self employed as a data scientist.

We talk about:

Rene’s Background
How to Contribute to Lightning
“Thinking in Bitcoin”
Onion Routing
Researchers in Lightning
Hal Finney
Funding Researchers
Flood and Loot Attacks
HTLC Attacks
Security of the Lightning Network
Interaction Between Researchers and Devs

Rene’s Twitter: twitter.com/renepickhardt

Rene’s Fee Blackmail Attack Disclosure: lists.linuxfoundation.org/pipermail/lightning-dev/2020-June/002735.html

Flood and Loot Paper: arxiv.org/abs/2006.08513

Optech Newsletter: bitcoinops.org/en/newsletters/

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