Welcome to this blazing hot new episode of “Light ‘Em Up”.  Season 2 Episode 3.

We are now being downloaded in over 66 countries across the globe.  

This episode is packed from the front to the back!

We were extremely fortunate to sit down with Dr. Sandy Womack Jr., for our special edition during Black History Month.  

This isn’t your typical, run-of-the-mill podcast conversation and you don’t have to be a person of color to extract tremendous value from this episode, all you have to be is human.  

We invite EVERYONE to listen and be edified.  

Dr. Womack, Jr., is the area superintendent of the Columbus, Ohio school district (the largest district in the State of Ohio) and a lifelong educator with 30+ years of experience.  

He is an inspirational, motivational leader, frequent motivational and keynote speaker, role model as well as an Urban Educational Transformation Specialist – and the author of two books: "Even the best of plans go astray" and "Creating Successful Urban Schools: The Urban Educators Month by Month Guide to School Improvement”. 

The cornerstone of his educational philosophy that has led to tremendous positive outcomes is that, "exposure changes expectations but experiences change lives”. 

Dr. Womack, Jr. earned his Ph.D. in Educational Leadership from Ashland University. He is a devout man of learning, wisdom and history – most importantly to me, he’s a dear friend of mine.

I always feel like I am speaking with one of the village elders when I am fortunate enough to chat with Dr. Womack, Jr.  Unlike the “rinky-dink leaders” of today -- he epitomizes all what a servant leader is and should be in thought, word and deed.  

In this intense fact-packed episode I guarantee you that he will educate, empower and enlighten you.  

We drill deep on: 

●The insurrection effort at the Capitol Building which took place on January 6th 2021.  

●The legacies of the Honorable John Lewis, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and Malcolm X 

●Racial socialization and the instilling of pride, connection and racial knowledge among persons of color. 

●The fact that “a person without self-knowledge is like a tree without roots”. 

●A path forward for improving the human condition of our neighbor and neighborhoods. Doing for the least of us, accomplishing the greater good for the most of us.  A biblical imperative. 

●How you “can’t change a problem unless you first admit there is a problem, define the problem, then bring attention to it”.  

●Making positive change through education and enlarging the franchise for persons of color.

●The fact that today’s school curriculum is “devoid of the contributions of people of color other than focusing on slavery and civil rights”.  

●The negative stereotypical roles in television that for far too long have been relegated to people of color. 

●The fact that “equal” is not always “equitable”.  

●The Overton Window (which is a very timely and applicable concept that he explains in detail very well). 

Dr. Womack, Jr. is always graceful and generous to “Light ‘Em Up” granting us exclusive access to his full range of wisdom and insight – which is deep and profound.  He is an intriguing man who NEVER disappoints. 

All this and more!  Tune in and be empowered!   

Listen to Dr. Womack, Jr's first interview  <--------- right there! 

Thanks so much to everyone!
Phil Rizzo
Executive Producer 
Light 'Em Up

We want to hear from you!