Thank you so much to all of our listeners --- 

We are now broadcasting in over 42 countries around the globe. 

On this new smokin’ hot episode of Light ‘Em Up we focus our attention on the 3 C’s of The Criminal Justice System:  The Cops, Courts and Corrections.  Our episode is entitled:  Incarceration Nation: Perspectives from the parent of an incarcerated child. 

 2.3 million people are incarcerated in the U.S. 

Does this make any sense?

Does it make us safer? 

Has it served to criminalize poverty which disproportionately impacts on people of communities of color? 

Very few people ever inquire how a parent is doing, what are their personal stress levels and how have they suffered by having a child that is incarcerated.  

In our time together, we drill down on many of the different impacts that a parent suffers that has a child that is incarcerated. 

We hear so often about how children suffer when a parent is sent to prison and nearly 6 million kids in the U.S. are impacted directly by parental incarceration --- having a parent sent to prison or in jail at some point in their lives --- more so for African Americans, who in 2017 were imprisoned at nearly six times the rate for whites and nearly double the rate for Hispanics.

We purposely withheld the last name of our guest so as to maintain his privacy.  

Kevin expressed how important it is for the youth to listen to their parents and pay attention and learn from others’ mistakes.

His son suffered with mental health issues early on in his adolescence – he was suspended from school in kindergarten. 

His medicine was never properly monitored or leveled out. 

He was labeled a “bad kid” --- and diagnosed with attention deficit disorder and oppositional defiance issues.  

In this episode we addressed issues regarding:

●       Monetary bail and jail.

●       The fact that those we do not educate we typically incarcerate.

●       “E-jail” or electronic monitoring.

●       If the correctional system does anything to rehabilitate inmates.

●       COVID-19 and being locked up. 

●       J-Pay and the hidden costs of being in prison. 

●       Ban the Box.

●       And turning a parent’s anguish into purpose. 

Thank you so much for subscribing to our podcast.  Without our listeners we would not have been able to achieve the success that we have.  

I hope you enjoy this episode. 

With respect, 

Phil Rizzo 

Programming Director