If you’re experiencing a period of high stress, some kind of crisis or just can’t sleep, this episode is for you. The following guided process is designed to help you slow down, sleep, repair and restore if you’re feeling at the end of your rope. 

First, travel into your respiratory and circulatory systems in order to oxygenate cells and cleanse tissues. Activate potent acupuncture points that promote relaxation. Expand your vibrational outerbody to decompress and initiate contact with the earth and the moon. Aligned between these life nourishing forces, you can let go and rest while your body is bathed in a process of deep restoration.

Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

Download free booklet by Saul Goodman: Light Body Activation - a portal to decentralized spiritual growthEnroll in online instructional course: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody

With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

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