Light body activation is a practical and effective tool to release restrictions and promote alignment, enhancing the dynamic synthesis of your system. This elevates the frequencies of your body, bringing you into contact with parts of yourself you may have been craving to connect to for what feels like forever. Today we focus on the heart chakra and soul frequencies to promote gentle transformation of ourselves and the world we share. This provides you with a unique type of leverage. You can offer the world the gift of your core essence, unadulterated.

Let’s go on a journey to facilitate the release of compression from our bodies, enable alignment of various components of our maturing light body, and extend an invitation to our soul frequencies. We’ll enter into this process with some proprioceptive exercise, and then move into some work with our outerbody, cranial system and chakras. We’ll empower ourselves to precipitate love into manifested form on this plane. You can also take the opportunity to contribute to a reservoir of light and energy, a reservoir that will be a source of support and nourishment for you as well as anyone else who wants to partake.

Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

Enroll in online instructional course: Proprioceptive Exercise & the OuterbodyDownload free ‘Cranial Primer’ to support your understanding: Cranial Primer

With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

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