I’m not going to discuss whether the covid vaccine is good or bad nor what I suggest anyone do regarding getting it or not getting it. Instead, let’s address the topic from a different perspective, a different frequency, in order to provide a non-polarizing way to strengthen our human community. Regardless what viruses are present in your midst and regardless what you think is the best way to handle them, this is an invitation to travel into your own self and explore how you can generate power, discernment, harmony and resilience no matter what is going on around you.

Using some proprioceptive exercise with variations to sensitize and expand our system, we’ll then focus on components that boost immunity. This includes the bioplasmic membrane, the etheric body, the spleen chakra, and the thymus gland.

We’ll also delve further into the kundalini and explore its role as the DNA of the light body, exploring how to direct the flow both upward and downward through the body in order to strengthen your genetic integrity. Considering the fact that physical viruses use their host cell’s DNA or RNA to replicate, it’s a priority to learn more about how we can align and balance our kundalini energy so that it becomes an agent of love and life.

Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

Download free booklet by Saul Goodman: Light Body Activation - a portal to decentralized spiritual growthArticle: The Heart Chakra Vibration and the Awakening Human

With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

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