Even with many wonderful teachers on this planet helping us to become more cognizant of our thoughts and emotions and how to focus them differently, it isn’t necessarily an easy thing to do. We may want to cultivate a peaceful inner state and reverberate that outward, yet find ourselves failing to do so again and again. It turns out that without making certain shifts in the body, it can be quite difficult to alter conditioned patterns of thoughts and emotions. 

I’m here to present a practical, comprehensive and effective system that will bring you into a new relationship with your body. You can learn how to make adjustments to your energy system so that emotions and thoughts naturally shift to promote ease and love rather than struggle, anger and depression.

Today we’ll do some basic proprioceptive exercise to expand our sensitivity and then focus on aligning your heart, outerbody and home. No previous experience is necessary - whether you are a beginner or have done lots of light body activities, this episode is designed for everyone.  Working with your body this way is a key to becoming a conscious participant in this evolutionary process we call life. It’s free and fun and a wonderful gift to give to yourselves and those around you.  I invite you to join me as we journey into our selves in order to experience new dimensions of freedom and creativity. 

Here are some related resources to support your understanding:

Download free booklet by Saul Goodman: Light Body Activation - a portal to decentralized spiritual growthEnroll in online instructional course: Proprioceptive Exercise & the Outerbody 

With this podcast you can access and regulate your developing light body. Within it are the keys to vast dimensions of information and adventure. It’s free, it’s healthy, it’s fun, and you can enter into it whenever you want from wherever you are.

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