David Lagat, a visionary entrepreneur, transitioned from a W2 job and house hacking a 4-plex to amassing an impressive portfolio of 4000 doors through strategic acumen. Now deeply involved in real estate syndication, his story inspires with insights on market navigation, network building, and principles driving his success. Highlighting adaptability and resilience, Lagat's journey provides a roadmap for aspiring property investors, showcasing passion and perseverance in a concise narrative of unparalleled success.


Here’s some of the topics we covered:


1031 Exchange

Re-trading a deal

Discipline to reinvest 

Family Office

Creating reach to find equity

In house management and construction

Traction and the EOS

Keys to Success - Passion and Persistence 

Adding systems and people to avoid burnout


Qualities of a leader


To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 72345 or email [email protected] 


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