Steve Rozenberg is a former international pilot, transitioned to real estate investing after 9/11, founding Texas's fastest-growing property management company. With a focus on maximizing cash flow, he achieved a highly profitable exit. Steve is a prominent figure in the real estate community, contributing to platforms like BiggerPockets and participating in panels and conferences. As a published author and speaker, he helps individuals achieve sustainable success while making a positive impact worldwide.


You can donate to his foundation here


Here’s some of the topics we covered:


How 9/11 Impacted Steve’s International Pilot Career

Buying Tons of Real Estate Right Before The 2008 Crash

The Importance Of Systems In a Business

The Benefit Of Working With VAs.

The Different Classes Of Customer

Having A Clear And Concise Map Of Where You’re Heading

The Three Archetypes Of Business

The Most Heartbreaking Inspiring Story Rod’s Ever Heard


To find out more about partnering or investing in a multifamily deal: Text Partner to 72345 or email [email protected] 


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