Here’s some of what you will learn:

High performance is setting high standard for yourself and pushing yourself towards continual improvement. High performers focus on adding value and taking massive action. Reputation is the mother of skill. High performers say “I will not be stopped.” The key is not to be better than the competition High performance is not a skill it’s an attitude. Anyone can find success that is dedicated, focused, and passionate. Focus on the 20% of activates that will produce 80% of the results. Learn from your mistakes. Approach life with a positive attitude. Join us at a Multifamily Bootcamp, visit For more information on my Multifamily Training and Coaching Program Test CRUSH to 41411 Join us online at Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties”.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!