Here’s some of what you will learn:

"We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit." – Aristotle With time and consistency, you can conquer anything. Without consistency, nothing is ever achieved. Consistency is not complex, it’s just commitment. Consistency is the difference between average and outstanding. Persistence will get you something, but you have to be consistent to keep it. Franchises are built on consistency. Consistency means you stick with whatever you committed to do even after you no longer feel like doing it. Consistency is critical in relationships. Consistency is critical for your health. “Long-term consistency trumps short-term intensity.” – Bruce Lee Success is a result of consistent motivation coupled with consistent action. For more information on my Multifamily Training and Coaching Program Test CRUSH to 41411 For more information on my Multifamily Bootcamp please visit" Join us online at Connect with me on Facebook at: Rod Khleif Text ROD to 41411 or visit for a FREE copy of my book, “How to Create Lifetime Cash Flow Through Multifamily Properties”.

I hope you will join me next week for Your Driving Force Success Tip!