Derek and Amy Weichel found themselves in survival mode trying to raise their 4 children. They got to the point where they were reacting to life. Perhaps you can relate.


One day, their coach Steve Cook asked them what their parenting plan was. Derek and Amy realized they didn’t really have one. But that day was the beginning of their journey of developing a parenting plan so they could start making intentional decisions about all-things family.


Now, Derek and Amy coach others on how to develop their own parenting plan, and they’re here with us today to share some foundational insight on why you should and how you can make this freeing practice part of your family.


They discuss:

The importance of not defaulting to what your parents did or what others are doing

Developing and living out a set of family values

How to navigate uncharted territory with your kids

A one-step-at-a-time execution strategy to make progress while avoiding overwhelm


And much more. Let’s have a transformational discussion about how we can each bring the power of vision-making into what matters the most!


Learn more about Derek and Amy and parenting plans at