How would you like to have more energy, better sleep, higher productivity, and a better feeling in your body each day?

We have two transformational tips you need to try.

If you’ve been listening to our show for awhile, perhaps you remember this raved about episode where we interview James Swanwick about two areas of wellness: cutting out alcohol, and getting better sleep. 

You as a community loved this episode so much when we first aired it that we wanted to re-release it to give new Lifeonaires a chance to check it out, or give our biggest fans a chance to relisten to it because it’s GOLDEN. Truly, you can experience massive positive changes in your life by implementing these two tiny lifestyle changes.

James covers:

The power of seeing alcohol for what it is (poison with no nutritional value)

How to respond to people that encourage you to drink in social settings

How simply getting plenty of sleep isn’t enough to have the best sleep health

How artificial blue light tricks your brain (and what you can do to hack this)

And what incredible results you can expect from these small lifestyle changes

So, are you interested? Listen in and get ready to learn how to hack your habits for a better life!

Learn more about James, Project 90 for cutting out alcohol, and blue-light filter “Swannies” at