Many people think their lives are pretty good. They make enough money to pay their bills and even if they don’t get to see their families much, that’s the price they pay for nice things, right? Once you break down their lives into the important pieces, they may realize that they are being beat up in the system. Their relationships are failing and they don’t enjoy the little time they do have away from their work.


The Lifeonaire coaching program shows couples and individuals how they can frame things differently. Eliminating making money from their top priorities and concerns, and replacing it with the truly important things in life such as relationships and freedom. In this episode, Jason shares some real life examples of Lifeonaire members who are living out their vision and experiencing the life they desire.


Key Takeaways:

[2:18] Jason was looking for a life hatch to freedom when he found Lifeonaire

[5:25] Becoming a coach brings fulfillment to your life and the lives of others

[7:26] Everyone has struggles in life, even if they don’t show on the outside

[10:57] Putting the pieces of your life puzzle together with help

[12:21] Paying down $77,000 in debt in only 6 months

[15:22] Uplifting people by giving them permission to dream

[20:26] Creating a business around your life’s vision

[22:16] Accepting guidance from the group to grow personally and in business

[27:37] Relationships are the primary struggle for people in groups

[31:27] The trickle effect of leading by example

[32:30] Getting a coach has single-handedly made the biggest difference in my life

[33:42] Collective input helps members transform

[36:20] You can’t afford to not afford Lifeonaire coaching

[36:51] Sign up for Jason & Eric’s group through [email protected]




Lifeonaire Book