Steve shares a Lifeonaire principal of which he has first-hand knowledge. He has been through the ups and downs of having little to no money in his pocket, to making enough money in one month in order to support his lifestyle for an entire year. He didn’t find happiness in either situation and knew he needed balance. Balancing his freedom was the only way he could enjoy having and spending his income. The rest is Lifeonaire history.


Key Takeaways:

[1:07] Steve shares his experience of having his back against the wall

[5:18] He found himself flipping about 105 deals in his first few years

[7:00] You can start from nothing and arrive at where you want to be financially

[9:12] People were thinking that everything Steve touched turned to gold

[10:22] What does prosperity really mean to you?

[13:21] Steve did everything he was supposed to do but wasn’t happy

[14:28] In 2001, he had made all the money he needed for the entire year in just one month

[16:53] A few years after 2001 when his wealth started to grow he needed 25,000 every 2 weeks

[18:25] Most people teach you to buy a rental property and then sit back and rake in the cash

[20:56] Copious amounts of money but no freedom

[22:41] Simplification to attain true prosperity

[23:33] The richest man in the world is the one who needs the least

[24:50] Pick up the Lifeonaire book




The Lifeonaire Book