Jayden Adkins is the 15-year-old daughter of Lifeonaire coaches, Jay and Annie Adkins. She attended a Lifeonaire retreat along with her parents which led her to write her own life vision. She has decided to surround herself with people who are positive and who support her. She says she doesn’t need negative people around because they won’t help her to move closer to her goals. She is inspired by how her family has transformed since Lifeonaire principles became part of their lives.


Key Takeaways:

[2:11] Jayden describes her life before and after her Dad joined Lifeonaire as a Titanium member.

[7:11] After attending a Lifeonaire event, Jayden found it beneficial to write out her vision so she knows which direction she wants her life to go.

[10:55] An American Monologue class assignment gave Jayden a chance to share her Lifeonaire experience.

[14:48] Nothing good comes out of being negative. It’s important to surround yourself with positive people.

[18:41] Changes in the Adkins house include a less stressful environment, more communication and family day. 

[22:15] A Lifeonaire resource book for teens is on the way so teens can better understand the Lifeonaire message.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Four Stages of Financial Freedom


Lifeonaire Book