Gabe Strom adores Steve Cook and with good reason.
Before attending a Lifeonaire event, Gabe had failed more than he
succeeded in his attempts at creating a business. He was struggling
financially and sleeping on a friend’s couch when he received an
invite to go to the Wisconsin Lifeonaire event in 2014. It was
there that Gabe had a moment of clarity. God told Gabe, by way of
Steve Cook, to leave it to Him and everything would get better and
it did.


Key Takeaways:

[2:52] Gabe recounts his humbling entrepreneur story
and how he came to find Lifeonaire.

[11:40] A core driver for Gabe is freedom, not

[14:24] Gabe experienced several moments of surrender
when he decided to get in the passenger seat and let God drive.

[23:27] Contributing to the lives of other people is
Gabe’s 5th stage of financial freedom.

[30:08] God spoke to Gabe through Steve Cook at the
Lifeonaire event he attended.

[37:35] New ideas are created when like-minded people
get together. If you want to change your way of thinking, you need
to keep those people around you.

[44:25] Following through with your vision pays off
in all aspects of your life.

[50:56] How do we reach people and get our generation
back in church? 

[53:52] Contact information for Gabe and his

[56:35] What is the difference between a six-figure
entrepreneur and a seven-figure entrepreneur?


Mentioned in This Episode:

Stages of Financial Freedom



Rich and Awake Podcast

Gabe Strom

Seller Secrets