The Lifeonaire program is designed to assist you in living the life you desire. Today’s guest, Glenn, had a lot of material ‘stuff’ before he first attended one of our Secret Sauce events. Shortly after, he sat down with his wife, and together they wrote a life vision, which they felt resembled the life they truly desired. Their life vision was not like anyone else’s. They wanted to travel and to support themselves by means that are location-independent. Their vision gave birth to their website and interactive Facebook group, which they are using to share their experience with others and to help them live the life they desire.


Key Takeaways:

[2:40] Glenn wanted to know the ‘why’ behind what he needed to do in order to live a life he wanted to live, which was a location-independent lifestyle.

[8:04] When you start to take people for granted, you don’t take the necessary steps needed to make your relationship flourish.

[10:46] What does it mean to have location-independent living and how do you sustain yourself?

[17:40] How to get in contact with Glenn’s organization, Location Independent Living.

[20:19] Lifeonaire opens your mind, shifts your mindset and gives you permission to live your vision.

[26:15] All too often we buy into the lie that we have to live in a day-to-day grind.

[33:11] It’s time to change your question to “How can I do it?”

[35:33] Your stuff is restricting your life and your actions. It’s time to get rid of your stuff.


Mentioned in This Episode:

Four Stages of Financial Freedom


Lifeonaire Book

Location Independent Living