Chris Hake was driven to be a millionaire. No amount of work was too much, he would take anyone’s call and he always had 16 irons in the fire just waiting for something to pan out. What he was missing was having focus and intention. Then he met Shaun McCloskey and the Lifeonaire program changed his life forever. He is now proudly doing what he loves every day, enjoys financial freedom and has doubled his coaching membership. Chris’s advice is: “We all need support. Find like-minded people and be part of the group.”


Key Takeaways:

[3:17] Chris has a lifelong pursuit of self-education

[5:13] Driven to be a millionaire

[8:42] If you believe you will make it you will make it

[11:11] Meeting Shaun and discovering Lifeonaire was a turning point

[18:05] It’s the fall that kills you

[20:39] Becoming intentional and thoughtful

[26:13] Lifeonaire taught me to figure out which one thing I was going to be great at

[29:58] Coaching programs help the client, as well as fulfill the life goal of the coach

[31:54] Contact information for Chris and Madison REIA

[32:39] Get associated with mentors and other like-minded people

[34:50] Lifeonaire events help me to progress and grow




Lifeonaire Book

Four Stages of Financial Prosperity

Madison REIA