Dan’s friends and family thought he had everything he wanted. He had a job that paid well, a house and all the stuff inside but Dan wasn’t fulfilled. He always felt like there was something more for him out there. He attended a real estate event which featured Steve Cook as a guest speaker and this is where he learned about Lifeonaire. The program surprised him. The biblical concepts, the group support and the practice of writing a life vision were things he had been longing for. Dan is now part of Steve’s coaching group, which he says keeps him grounded. His recommendation to anyone who asks his opinion is, “Go to a live event and immerse yourself without distractions”.


Key Takeaways:

[1:50] The Lifeonaire concept is something I wanted in my life

[3:50] I was just going through the motions of life and it wasn’t fulfilling

[5:52] The 3-day event allowed me to step back from all the distractions and make a change

[8:09] Biblical concepts differentiated the Lifeonaire program from other real estate programs

[9:42] Building a business which fits my lifestyle based on my vision

[15:13] Fear was holding me back but I wouldn’t change a thing today

[19:10] Being tossed around by life before my vision

[23:22] Real estate allowed me to make the rules for my own life

[29:56] Anyone is capable of writing a vision and fulfilling their dreams

[34:21] Coaching groups help to hold us accountable to our life visions

[36:54] I need the coaching group to help keep me grounded

[38:26] Focusing on removing our family debt burden and building my business

[40:10] Take action and go to a Lifeonaire event to be refreshed and energized



Four Stages of Financial Freedom


Lifeonaire Book