Shahid Durrani had many let-down expectations. He found himself jealous of the success of those around him and angry at the world.


Perhaps you can relate. 


This place can feel debilitating. Maybe you genuinely feel like bad things keep happening to you, or maybe you know things can be turned around, but you don’t even know where to begin.


For Shahid, it all started with mindset, and he’s here to share about the transformation he had in his mind that led to tangible changes in his external circumstances too.


We’re not just talking about tips to just feel better about the bad stuff that happens to you. Today, we’re talking about the way mindset transformations ACTUALLY cause you to have different outcomes in your life!


This is because when you change your mindset, you change your behavior, which changes your results.


Now, you might be wondering, why does Lifeonaire talk about mindset all the time? That’s because it’s truly one of the pillars of success. 


Wouldn’t it be nice to change everything in your life and not have to wait for the world to deal you a different hand? It can happen for you! Listen in and begin your journey to change your outcomes starting from within.


Learn more about Shahid and what he does at


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