Did you know that a vast majority of businesses fail within the first 5 years? There are two primary factors that when mishandled can cause this:





We’ve brought Bob Hunter on the show for two episodes to dive into each of these factors This week, we’re zeroing in on funding.


Bob is involved with a business development and funding organization, so he is equipped with knowledge in how to avoid the cashflow pitfalls that many businesses face early on. He answers these massive questions and more:


What do you do when you need funding?

When is the best time to try to get funding?

What are some fixes for getting funding when you keep getting denied?


Whether you’re a new business owner, or you aren't happy with the current cash flow of your business, this insight is for you so you can be one of the small business owners that thrives for years to come!


To learn more about what Bob and his organization are doing, go to MyBusinessCredit.com


Discover the secrets to time and financial freedom so you can work less and make more!: Lifeonaire.com/4-stages