What does it mean to have true fortitude and let nothing hold you back from making it to the top? Comedienne, actress, host and franchisee, Kiana Dancie, tells us all about her journey to success, as well as all the pitfalls she’s had along the way. From being let go from the hit show, Sister Circle, to finding her way back to herself, Kiana sits down with Monica Bey for a candid discussion on life, entrepreneurship and what keeps her going in the midst of it all. The audience will learn about how to effectively manage wearing multiple hats while even using laughter to heal the soul. To learn more about Kiana, visit KianaDancie.com or follow her @KianaDancie.


When all the material signs of success proved to be unfulfilling, Monica knew there was much more in store for her divine purpose. After walking away from her successful Executive career, Monica put her spiritual gifts and teachings to use and found her true calling as a Purpose Alignment Coach and Energy Healer. Her dedication to healing others has resulted in the creation of her proven, original trademarked methods that continue to transform lives worldwide! For more information on Monica Bey, please visit www.MonicaBey.com