Get ready to learn about negative energy, purging and how to shift your focus to gain prosperity and a more fulfilling life!


Every so often, Monica Bey will perform and record healing sessions; putting to use her many spiritual gifts and energy healing abilities in order to transform lives. In this episode, she brings you into the trenches with her as she engages in a recorded healing and coaching session with Kailei Carr, the host of the popular podcast, Beyond the Business Suit. During the healing, they get deep and make some major breakthroughs to help move Kailei forward in life and in business!


Monica’s hopes in airing these types of episodes is that you become educated, motivated and inspired by what you hear. Listen as Monica takes Kailei on a transformative journey of emotional healing and growth. Together, they uncover various fears and past experiences that have held her back; and then remove them from her energy system completely!



When all the material signs of success proved to be unfulfilling, Monica knew there was much more in store for her divine purpose. After walking away from her successful Executive career, Monica put her spiritual gifts and teachings to use and found her true calling as a Purpose Alignment Coach and Energy Healer. Her dedication to healing others has resulted in the creation of her proven, original trademarked methods that continue to transform lives worldwide! For more information on Monica Bey, please visit