On this episode of The Lifelong Learning Podcast, I share some of my latest fears doing the show and all about fermenting various types of yeast. Whether you're looking to make a fresh homemade pizza, a loaf of bread, or working with SCOBYs like Kombucha and Kefir you'll want to hear some of the great tips for keeping the yeast happy on this episode! In addition, I share my experiences getting into fermentation with champagne yeast when making hard ciders.

If you have experience with different types of yeast, I'd love to hear your thoughts or what you've experienced. Please leave a comment on the show notes page or send me an email at kate @ katenesi.com

Links from the episode:

Seed Mat Warmers

Gallon Jugs


Kefir Grains

Champagne Yeast

Active Dry Yeast