What do you think might hold YOU back from being a successful online fitness trainer? There’s a BIG A$$ elephant in the room that’s holding you back. You may not even realize that it’s there but you need to confront it to grow your online training business. I’m talking about the people who drain you. During this episode of the LifeChanger podcast, I reflect on the journey that I’ve taken over the last 18 months. And I reveal the BIG lessons that fitness coaches need to learn to reach their goals. It’s time to get BRAVE and ditch what drains you. Invest in yourself and you’ll do GREAT things with your online training business. But to do that, you have to figure out what truly energizes you and what drains you. I discuss all of that and more in the podcast. What You’ll Learn Why GOOD conversation is so important in personal development (2:20) The BIG question that will change your ENTIRE PERCEPTION (4:40) Why making an Energizes vs. Drains list helps you make crucial breakthroughs for your fitness business (6:05) How valuing certainty can STOP you from being happy (13:16) How you can create your own Energizes vs. Drains list (15:50) Learn More: Apply to join the