LifeCHANGE with Jack Redmond artwork

LifeCHANGE with Jack Redmond

100 episodes - English - Latest episode: over 10 years ago - ★★★★★ - 2 ratings

The Infusion Podcast is the teaching/preaching ministry of Author/ Speaker Jack Redmond of 4th Generation Ministries. You can hear Jack weekly on Star 99.1 FM in New York City every Sunday Morning at 7 AM EST. Please visit to connect with Jack via the Infusion Blog, twitter, facebook and youtube.

Christianity Religion & Spirituality Spirituality preaching redmond christ jack jesus teaching
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The Power of Forgiveness - Part 1

November 11, 2012 12:30 - 24 minutes - 57.2 MB

Can you imagine that Jesus while hanging on the cross was able to say: "Father forgive them for they know not what they do"?Jesus was able to walk in the freedom of forgiveness even through the worst imaginable circumstances. Learn how you can also walk in the power of forgivess.

Tearing Down Barriers - Part 1

October 28, 2012 11:30 - 24 minutes - 57.1 MB

The gospel is meant to tear down barriers and build bridges.  It first does that between us and God and then between us and people.  As the gospel infiltrates every part of our lives, we begin to change in many different.  Lets explore how when Jesus met the women at the well, cultural and racial barriers needed to be torn down so that she could receive the gospel.

Hearing the Voice of God - Part 2

October 07, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

God is looking for people who have ears to hear.  God is a speaking God and wants to direct you in greater ways.  Position yourself to hear from God and get ready for God to speak!

Hearing the Voice of God - Part 1

September 30, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

We begin this message with God calling Samuel.  At first he didn't understand it was God.  What is amazing was that God kept calling His name unitl he understood it was God calling.  God is calling, do you understand its Him?

The Power of Fasting - Part 2

September 23, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Fasting allows us to be focused on God in a way that quiets down our flesh and opens our spiritual ears to hear from God. Fasting is one of the most important things we can do if we are serious about our spiritual growth.

The Power of Fasting - Part 1

September 16, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

The Kingdom of God is not a matter of talk - but of power.  How is that power released? One of the ways is through fasting.  Let's take a good look at how fasting releases the power of God in a believers life.

Breakthrough Prayer - Part 2

September 02, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

How would your life be different if you continued to pray until you achieved the needed breakthrough?  The Bible is full of stories of delayed answers at times to prayer.  What if Daniel quit praying after a week?  What if Jacob stopped wrestling in the middle of the night and walked away without his blessing.  What does God have for you that you need to wrestle for in prayer?

Breakthrough Prayer - Part 1

August 26, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Everyone wants to say a prayer one time in faith and see it answered.  But what do you do when that doesn't happen?  Let's look into Jacob's life when he wrestled all night until he received his blessing and breakthrough so show us an example of what breakthrough prayer can be like.

Time to Grow - Part 2

June 17, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

The more we grow, the more stable our lives become. We will also not be blown around by the trials of life. If we want something more - its time to grow. If we want something different - it's time to grow! 

Time to Grow - Part 1

June 10, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 46 MB

Whether we are 10 years old or 50, when we begin our relationship with Jesus, we are spiritual babies. How much we grow will be determined by the amount of time spent with God, His people and how much "spiritual food" we eat. Unlike our physical bodies, we will be growing spiritually for the rest of our life! So whether you are new to Christ or have been serving Him for years - it's time to grow!

You Can Change Your City - Part 2

June 03, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Imagine if every Christian took prayer seriously and began to pray for their city.  Not trying to change everything in a day, but each person trusting God to change one thing at a time.  The problems in our cities took time to build.  As we win one victory at a time through prayer, we can see our cities changed!

You Can Change Your City - Part 1

May 27, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

You have the ability to change your city through prayer!  Whether it is a person's life, a school, a crime issue or the overall spiritual atmosphere, prayer changes things.  As you live your daily life, watch for things that are outside of God's will, pray that God's will takes place in that persons life or in that situation.  Pray that God brings order where chaos exists, and that His love and Presence would rule and reign in your city!

Building Bridges - Part 2

May 20, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Too many people sit back as their friends and family go through life without Jesus.  You can be the bridge that connects people to God.

Building Bridges - Part 1

May 13, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Jesus came to be the bridge back to God the Father.  When Jesus went back to the Father He commissioned us to continue His work and be bridges to Him!

The Life of Jesus - Part 2

May 06, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 46 MB

This message started with discussong that Jesus was constantly growing.  During His life and with the resurection, He overcame everything inclduing Satan, sickness, pain, rejection, brokeness, the sin of the world and even death!  His overcoming was connected to His growth.  If you need to overcome some things, commit to growing and watch what God will do!

The Life of Jesus - Part 1

April 29, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Jesus left heaven to walk the streets of planet earth because He cares about us!  He spent His life caring for people. As His followers, we are to grow to be more like Him. One of the things that people seldom think about is the growth of Jesus.  Jesus spent a good amount of time in prayer, in scripture, serving, working and growing! This is our example.

God's Amazing Grace - Part 2

April 22, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

God's grace is amazinig.  It forgives the unforgiveable and empowers us to do what we can't do in our own strength.  Grace changes us to be more like Jesus!

The Building of a Champion - Part 2

April 08, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Champions are built when no one is watching.  God sees and is cheering you on even if no one else is! Champions are people who give everything they have and at the end of life, it makes all the difference!

The Buildiing of a Spiritual Champion - Part 1

April 01, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Becoming a champion takes time.  Whether in the natural or the spiritual nobody becomes a champion overnight.  Champions are built day by day and year by year!  Keep growing and keep going!

Learning to Follow Jesus - Part 2

March 25, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Knowing Christ is a progressive relationship. The more you pursue Christ and spend time with Him, the deeper the relationship will be. There is no such thing as knowing Jesus too much!

Living Well - Part 2

March 11, 2012 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Christ came that we may have life and have it abundantly!  But living well is a process that takes time. Lets engage in the process and see what God has in store!

Living Well - Part 1

March 04, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly.  Much of following Christ is about service, sacrifice and putting others ahead of ourselves, but there is a component that Christ came that we would enjoy and live life to the full!  Let's live well!

Leave it on the Field - Part 2

February 19, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Life is so much different when you give all that you have! Christ came that we may have life and have it to the full but we have to get up and go for it each day. Let's live lives that speak of not regretting what could have been!

Leave it on the Field - Part 1

February 12, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

The happiest and most fulfilled people I have ever met have one thing in common, they have given all they have!  When you give all you have and leave it on the field, you can live life without regrets!

The Wisdom of Giving - Part 2

February 05, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Giving is a blessing and the happiest people are those with giving hearts!  An amazing thing also happens when people join together to give.  Whether it is focussed on a church or a ministry, when giving is combined, it goes a lot further than when any one person gives!

The Wisdom of Giving - Part 1

January 29, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 46 MB

God is a giver God!  For God so loved the world that He GAVE!  Giving is in our spiritual DNA and the happiest people are those with giving hearts!

Living on Purpose - Part 1

January 15, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

God created you with a purpose but the challenge is discovering what that purpose is and then walking it out. Lets take a journey as we not only line in our purposes but walk each day on purpose!

The Victory of Jesus Christ - Part 2

January 08, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Jesus Christ is the greatest CHAMPION of all time!  He defeated sin, Satan and death! We are made in His image to overcome and live in victory as He did!

The Victory of Jesus Christ - Part 1

January 01, 2012 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.9 MB

Jesus came that we may have life and have it more abundantly!  He is the overcomer and wants to teach us how to live and walk in His overcoming power!

Episode 75 - Growing as a Faith Champion - Part 2

November 27, 2011 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

Part of being a FATIH CHAMPION is living for something that is bigger than yourself!  In order to live fully, you have to die to self!  CHAMPIONSHIP faith is all about never quitting, doing what you need to do and dieing to self to that you can live your destiny!

Episode 74 - Growiing as a Faith Champion - Part 1

November 20, 2011 12:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

The first step of being a faith champion is that FAITH CHAMPIONS DON'T QUIT!  The world will hand you all kinds of issues and problems but when you make a decision to be a faith champion and that you will grow and do what it takes to build your faith, God will give you the strength to NEVER quit.

Episode 72 - Elements of Faith - Part 1

October 30, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

The elements of something are the simplest building blocks which are required to build it.  Lets look at 3 building blocks of faith: 1) A faithful God  2) God's unchanging Word and 3) The hearer of the Word.  The first 2 never change, the one that changes is the hearer!  Let's grow as hearers, absorbers and doers of the Word!

Episode 71 - How to Exercise Your Faith - Part 2

October 23, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

In order to exercise our faith, first we must believe that God will do something for us! The next step is beleiving that God will do something in us.  When God does something for us and in us, the next stage is believing that God will do something through us!  God first changes us and then uses us to change the world!

Episode 70 - How to Exercise Youth Faith - Part 1

October 16, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

Faith is like a muscle.  If you use it, it grows and gets stronger.  If you don't use it, it becomes weaker and weaker over time.  Faith must also be current, yesteday's faith doesn't count today! The beginning of faith is in believing in God to do something for us.  We must believe God is our source and expect Him to meet our needs and be present in our lives on a daily basis.

Episode 69 - The Power of Community - Part 2

October 09, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

We are made for community but community doesn't happen by accident! It must be intentional.  Our society and culture consumes so much of our time and energy that at the end of the day, we often just want to be left alone.  But many are living disconnected lives where parts of their emotions slowly die.  It is in community where we flourish best!

Episode 68 - The Power of Community - Part 1

October 02, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

We are busier than ever and have more connections than ever but even with that, George Gallup did a study that showed Americans are some of the loneliest people on the planet!  We need real relationships that can only be built in community!

Episode 67 - I Have the Cure! - Part 2

September 25, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

There is a cure for sin sickness and we have it!  God is not passive and neither should we be.  Jesus left the presence of the Father to bring the cure to planet earth.  We are then to bring the cure of Jesus Christ to every nook and cranny of planet earth! As individuals we can go places that the pastors in our church can't go. We can talk every day to people who may not go to a church to hear the message of the cross!

Episode 66 - I Have the Cure! - Part 1

September 18, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

Our world is suffering from sin sickness and we have the cure! Even though we have the cure, statistics say that 90% of those who consider themselves born again Christitans, have never led someone into a personal relationship with Jesus!  This must change.  I invite you to become a greater soul winner in the days ahead!

Episode 65 - Soul Winning Prayers - Part 2

September 11, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

It is God's will that none shall perish!  And God says that we are His ambassadors!  The key to effective words is effective prayers beforehand!  Many Christians have the right words but have not overcome spiritual obstacles and barriers through prayer.  Let's pray for souls and then go win them!

Episode 64 - Soul Winning Prayers - Part 1

September 04, 2011 11:30 - 23 minutes - 43.8 MB

God has created each of us to be soul winners in our daily lives right where we work, live and play! But long before we go to people about God, we should go to God about people. Our prayers will begin to break the hardness of people's hearts long before we even speak to them about Jesus.

Episode 61 - The Life of Prayer - Part 2

August 14, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

We continue in this second half of the message to look at some practical steps on how we can build our prayer lives.  We have to pray continually, persistently and also in faith.  Our prayers have to be bigger than our circumstances because God is bigger than our circumstances!  Not only that, but we get to know God and are empowered to do His work through a life of prayer!

Episode 60 - The Life of Prayer - Part 1

August 07, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

So many people are frustrated with life but many of these people either don't pray or don't effectively pray to see God move powerfully on their behalf.  When we have a lifestyle of prayer, God moves in us and through us on a regular basis.  Join us to learn how to pray more effectively!

Episode 59 - Prayer is a Weapon - Part 2

July 31, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

Are you tired of just taking what life hands you?  We have the power to change our reality and the world we live in through our prayers.  Prayer is a spiritual weapon created to restore God's power and plans in our daily lives!

Episode 58 - Prayer is a Weapon - Part 1

July 24, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

We need to spend time praying in power, because prayer is a weapon to win victories in our daily lives.  The kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.  It is in prayer that the power of God is released.

Episode 57 - The Kneeling Warrior - Part 2

July 17, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

The kneeling warrior is a picture of humble strength.  Man's humility unleashes God's power!  A lifestyle of powerful prayer is the key to a lifestyle of God's power flowing in our every day lives and situations!

Episode 56 - The Kneeling Warrior - Part 1

July 10, 2011 11:30 - 25 minutes - 45.8 MB

Prayer unleashes God's power!  Let's grow as prayer warriors and see God move powerfully in our lives on a regular and ongoing basis!

Episode 55 - Faith is No Accident - Part 2

July 03, 2011 11:30 - 24 minutes - 45.7 MB

Join us for the completion of this message designed to help you lead a lifestyle of building your faith.  Your actions and spiritual disciplines will greatly affect the strength of your faith!

Episode 54 - Faith is No Accident - Part 1

June 26, 2011 11:30 - 24 minutes - 45.6 MB

Faith is something that is built over time.  Each day, we can choose to build our faith and see God move more powerfully in our lives!

Episode 53 - The Faith Life - Part 2

June 19, 2011 11:30 - 24 minutes - 45.7 MB

Many people stop with faith at salvation and are satisfied.  God has so much more for us if we will believe and receive it!  Lets talk about faith based on God's Word and experienced through the leading and power of the Holy Spirit!

Episode 52 - The Faith Life - Part 1

June 12, 2011 11:30 - 24 minutes - 45.8 MB

True life changing faith is not a decision or choice, it is a lifestyle.  If you want God to powerfully move in your daily life, you must live the faith life!