Welcome to Life Transformation Radio. 

In this episode, Kyle Quilausing and I discuss the power of your choices.

So if you want to learn about the power of YOUR choices, the dangers of drugs, and learn from Kyle's haunting past to influence you to make the right choices, tune in now!

In this episode, you'll discover:


People perceptions 

Living on an island 

About Kyle

 His name is Kyle, and this is his COMEBACK. 

From a 98lb crystal meth addict doing the unthinkable to fuel his addiction, escaping jail to get high, and becoming a fugitive on Hawaii's Most Wanted, Kyle hit rock bottom, and his future seemed doomed. Everyone gave up on him, including himself. Because of his crimes fueled by his crystal meth addiction, he ended up doing ten years in a high custody prison. He is free going on for seven years and now owns his own business and has become a motivational speaker. In his seven years of freedom, he has spoken to over 150 schools, and when he speaks to these kids, he shares with them the dangers of drugs and incarceration.  He shares his haunting past to influence them to make the right choices. If he can save one child from not doing drugs, his mission is a success. 

More Information

Learn more about Kyle by visiting https://topyouthspeakers.com/speakers-topics/kyle-quilausing


Thanks for Tuning In!