Chad Molyneux is the Creator of The Health & Wealth Blueprint which provides high achieving entrepreneurs & busy professionals with time efficient exercise, nutrition, accountability, and community solutions so that they can take control of their health, increase their energy, and create a body they are proud of.  Coming from severe anxiety, always being in trouble, being asked to repeat the 8th grade, move school districts, and always being told by teachers that he wasn’t going to make it, Chad fell in love with fitness. 3.5 years ago he decided that he was going to become a full time online fitness coach in 3 months time. Those 3 months really took Chad 3 years of pain, suffering, and misery. Now, Chad is a speaker, making multiple 6 figures, and helping others live a life of health, wealth, and prosperity through being the Creator of The Health & Wealth Blueprint.

Instagram: @chadmolyneuxfitness

Youtube: Chad Molyneux